
Tuesday, June 26, 2007

How to troubleshoot SQL Server error 8645


This step-by-step article describes how to troubleshoot SQL Server error 8645. You may receive the error 8645 when there is a high server workload or when the servers are experiencing high memory pressure.


You may see the following 8645 error sporadically:
Error 8645: A time out occurred while waiting for memory resources to execute the query. Re-run the query.

Additionally, you may also see one or more of the following symptoms:
When new users try to connect to SQL Server, they receive a "login failed" error message.
Users are disconnected and they receive various error messages.
CPU usage is very high on the server.
When you run


The error message 8645 is raised when memory-intensive queries, such as those involving sorting and hashing, are queued and are unable to obtain the requested memory before a time-out period. SQL Server waits for memory for a length of time that is based on the query wait configuration value. By default, the query wait value is set to -1, which means SQL Server waits for 25 times the estimated cost of the query. If you modify the query wait value to a non-negative number, SQL Server waits for the number of seconds that you specify in the value of the query wait option.

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