
Monday, May 14, 2007

How to Migrate from Access to SQL Server 2000

Microsoft Access developers generally consider a move to Microsoft SQL Server for performance, security, and stability reasons. This process is known as upsizing, and developers will find a number of key differences while migrating from Access to SQL Server.

SQL Server and Access are similar but have some major differences. They vary in the way that data is stored and indexed, the data types available, and storage capabilities. Microsoft provides the Microsoft Upsizing Wizard to assist in the migration process. It analyzes your Access database and converts your data and database structure into SQL Server format.

The Microsoft Upsizing Wizard effectively and accurately converts most of your Access database and database objects into SQL Server. However, some features in Access are not supported by SQL Server and vice versa, so it is important that you manually analyze and rectify any potential issues that may arise before, during, and after the migration process. It is also crucial that after conversion, the resulting database manually be inspected to ensure all tables, data, and relationships were correctly migrated.

This paper details:

• What the Upsizing Wizard does

• Preparing your Access database for migration

• Running the Upsizing Wizard

• What to do after upsizing your database

This paper does not cover reasons to upgrade to SQL Server from Access. More information about this can be found in the Microsoft white paper, "What's New and Different When Moving Your Back End from Access to SQL Server 2000."

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